Press Play. This is the soundtrack for this blog post.
It's been a while folks, but I've been productive during this time away.
I accomplished my PUSH goal for 2013! Only 6 months into the year and we've already crossed the big goal off the list that is going to bring everything else into fruition. Does this mean that it's over and I can rest on my laurels?
Absolutely not. I've hit the goal, and now it is time to WORK.
Reviewing the process
5. Made a Decision
Absolutely not. I've hit the goal, and now it is time to WORK.
Reviewing the process
1. Set Goals
2. Made Plans
3. Assessed my progress
4. Readjusted Plans
The next step
I was listening to the Steve Harvey morning show the other day, and he said something that strongly resonated with me.
You've got to move to grow
Coincidentally, this is my next step and what stops many of us from accomplishing our goals. We refuse to move from where we are because:
a) we are comfortable
b) we are afraid of failure and the unknown
c) we've made mistakes before and don't want to try again
d) it would require letting go
Being Comfortable and the danger of staying Stagnant
I've encountered belief systems that teach that you keep doing the same thing over and over because it is the only right way to do things. Never mind if the results are unsuccessful and people are miserable. You aren't supposed to evolve, you don't change, and you never leave. You stay on and try to make things better even if people aren't interested in changing.
Needless to say I soon discovered this was not the right way for me. People become comfortable in being miserable and stagnant.
Stagnant literally means without flow. Motionless. Standstill. After a flood, people are told not to drink the stagnant water because it is unsafe. Water is crucial to survival, but when water becomes stagnant then it becomes dangerous. It becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and insects.
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Stagnant Water |
Using this illustration, something similar happens when we become stagnant in our lives. When we stop growing and come to a standstill, we become a breeding ground for negativity. I've noticed that when it is time for me to move on from a situation, I become extremely negative. I begin to major in the minors. EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY gets on my nerves. I become easily irritated and agitated.
Fear of Failure and the Unknown: Take a Step
This year I am really challenging myself to take steps of faith in areas where I need to grow to improve my skill set and also areas of my life where I have not had much success.
For example, I applied for a job just for the interview experience and to put my name out there, and ended up getting that very job!
In other areas, I have opened myself up and while I may not be getting the results I want, I am no longer at a standstill. I'm moving in a direction that is positive and keeps my integrity intact. After each step of faith, I end up reviewing what I learned from the experience. Each step of faith translates into more growth.
You do not have to make huge dramatic changes. Just start with one step to move you forward.
Change your thought process/embrace new belief systems
Even though I do believe that moving is essential to growth, a change of scenery won't make that big of a difference if you're still clinging on to old belief systems.
Growth means letting go of old belief systems, and embracing new ideas and processes. When entering a new situation, don't get hung up on "This is how I've always done it".
Isn't that the problem?
If the way you've always done it hasn't given you the results you've wanted, it is time to do a new thing.
It is also important to let go of past mis-takes. That's all it was: A mis-take Take 2...start over. Some mis-takes will take a long time to recover from, and you will have to endure that process. Make sure to get a support system to help you through that process. Don't try to do it alone.
Message: You won't recover from your mis-takes long as you keep beating yourself about bad decisions or allowing others to rub them in your face.
The fear of moving and leaving others behind
One of the reasons I feel a lot of us do not move forward is because we are afraid to leave others behind.
This is a touchy subject, but staying stagnant because you don't want to leave people behind will only backfire ON YOU in the long run.
Years down the road when you are not where you want to be and you are looking for someone to blame, those people will be your target.
It won't be their fault you aren't where you want to be. YOU made the choice to stay where you are. Who knows? Maybe the people in your life need some encouragement and inspiration and they will start to move forward right along with you.
If people love you they will come along for the journey or they will be there to cheer you on. People are genuinely happy to see the people they care about do well and ascend to new levels in their lives. If people love you, then they want to see you become your best self.
Make that move right now!
Like the song says, We let so many good things pass us by because we hold ourselves back.
If you're feeling stagnant, you don't have to move with guns blazing. Just take a step and then watch how the current begin to flow.
As Shalamar said,
"You only go around once in a lifetime!"
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