On Friday I felt like I just got hit by a truck and this continued until Morning. I also had my first posing lesson and I sucked pretty bad. I didn't fall down which was a major victory, but I know I have a long way to go in terms of presentation.
I had been going gung ho all week. Getting up early, running around training clients, and pushing through my workouts. On Friday I felt off. When I got on the treadmill to do my HIIT sprints, I didn't feel right. I still pushed myself through it but I just didn't feel myself.
By the time I got to my leg workout, I had to sit down during my breaks and I was draaaaging. By the time I got back to my car, I had to take a 30 minute nap before spin.
I didn't feel well all weekend and then of course the doubts started creeping in
Why did I sign up for this?
Is this even worth it?
I'm so tired. I should give up. I probably won't do well anyway
I asked my coach and others who compete if this was normal and they said it was perfectly normal ad that I need more rest. Now I know that when one is in a caloric deficit and training hard that your adrenal glands are working harder. The more physiological stressors we have, the harder our adrenal glands have to work, so we need more downtime and rest.
After going to bed early on Saturday and Sunday evenings and also taking naps, I am feeling much better.
I'm also a native San Franciscan so I bought wellness tablets from whole foods, energizing oils, and chakra spray for my car so that I can keep my energy levels up.
The main thing though is I have imposed a lights out policy by 10 p.m. at the latest so that I can get enough sleep to recover.
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My muse for my posing |
Posing and Presentation
I suck.
But then I already knew that. My big goal has been not to fall down in the 4.5 inch heels. Well I need to aim higher.
I now need to look sexy, hot, and strut across the stage. I also need to learn how to pose to present my body to the judges. Keep in mind this is all happening while I am practically butt booty naked.
Honestly my confidence level after this will probably be through the roof. Dude, I got up naked in front of strangers, strutting across the stage in 4.5 inch heels, and WORKED it. WHAT YOU GOT FOR ME????
In any case, I need a lot of help. So I am going to practice as much as possible. If you see me at the gym and I look like I am posing, don't judge me because my posing in the mirror has a purpose!
I refuse to think too hard about it and just resolve to keep practicing. If I think too much about it, I will reason myself right out of my goal.
I'm mighty happy with my progress. I may share progress pictures starting next cycle. This means I will have to take off my headscarf and try to look somewhat decent.
I think this is the cycle where I find out if I get to parade around naked in front of strangers in July or August.
Wish me Luck!!!!
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