Wednesday, May 21, 2014

So what if you started trying to get healthier and didn't focus on losing "weight"

I've worked in gyms for nearly 10 years and I have noticed something interesting.  People who are focused on losing weight do not stick with their program, but people who are there because they like the way they feel and also have found workouts that they enjoy are much more likely to stick with it.

As a fitness professional, I have observed clients who complained, nitpicked, and tried to direct their training programs and every single time I have run into them later on down the line these people are in worse shape than they were when they were complaining about the training program.

I also have watched as fitness businesses attempt to sell people on the idea that their facility and trainers can help you lose 50 pounds in 2 weeks and that's why you should join their businesses and buy their training packages.

So we have customers who don't want to face reality and businesses that are trying to sell dreams.  What's someone who is looking to get healthier to do?

Focus on Well being and Not cosmetics

I think people should stop focusing on losing weight and instead focus on improving their nutrition, physical fitness, reducing their stress levels, and overall wellbeing.

If you do all of these things, then you may see some cosmetic change.  I'm going to tell you now as someone who is training purely for an aesthetic goal that rigorous diet and exercise programs are not something you can do long term. 

 That is why as bodybuilders/fitness competitors we have an offseason where we allow our bodies to rest, recover, improve our strength levels, increase lean body mass, and get all of our nutrients.  The offseason includes gaining weight because you can't maintain a caloric deficit for the rest of your life.  

I had an A-ha moment recently and wondered why as fitness professionals we don't apply similar logic to clients.

Life is messy:  Focus on 4 steps to well being instead of losing "weight"

Let's say we have a 35 year old female client with a busy career and she is also the mother of school aged children.  She has 10-15 lbs she would like to lose, but right now life is so hectic that it's all she can do to keep everything straight.  I would tell this woman to not worry about  losing weight right now and instead concentrate on

1. Eating and preparing nutrient dense and fresh foods

2. Getting physical activity at least 3-5 days per week

3. Avoiding processed foods, excessive sugar and alcohol consumpton

4. Getting enough sleep

These 4 things are enough to have this client begin the process of lifestyle change.  I would also venture to guess that if she began to do these things, then she would feel better.  If she felt better. then perhaps she could begin to take these 4 action steps further.

The road to health and wellness does not need to be focused purely on cosmetic goals.  I am about to go on a tangent here and I will follow this up with it's own blog post at a later date, but I am sick to death of people working towards some physical ideal that the mainstream media has conjured up that does not reflect reality.

Your Life will not magically change if you have the "perfect body"

You will not suddenly find riches if you have a six pack. Mr. or Ms. Right will not magically appear if you lose 20 pounds.  (If they do and all they can talk about is your body, then they aren't here for you so stay away)

I see so many women talking badly about their bodies and  i have yet to hear a man or woman say I really love women that have no curves and are skinny and perfect.  In fact most men I see with women, the women have far from perfect bodies and they love them!

My point is that to purely focus on weight loss is short sighted and not good for long term success.  As I told a client recently, I don't care if you lose another pound, but I want you to keep coming so that you can keep getting more mobile, stronger, and have the endurance to LIVE YOUR LIFE!

You're a lot better off doing this 3x per week than being so frustrated about not losing weight that you just give up and wallow in the mire eating chocolate in front of the television.

Focus on performance and progressions

As a fitness professional, I focus on more than just weight loss and numbers.  I keep a log book to document how much people have progressed in their workouts strength wise and people are often surprised at how far they've progressed in a short amount of time.  I also keep people on track by having a goal each week...a nutirtion goal and a training goal.

There's a point and purpose to what we are doing

My other favorite thing to do is to teach clients WHY we are doing what we are doing.  Right now I have clients doing high volume circuits/super set training.  Why?  I want to push them out of their comfort zones and we have been working very hard.  I've had people doing between 15-20 exercises per session!  Talk about getting your sweat on!

I also educate them about hip mobility, glute activiation, and strengthening the back sides of their bodies (posterior chain).   When Clients understand WHY and that there is purpose behind their training other than simply losing weight, they are more likely to stick with it!

My advice?  Step off the scale, quit worrying about losing weight, and start making lifestyle improvements.  The 4 I listed above are a great place to start!

The Big 4:  Put them into Practice

1. Eating nutrient dense and fresh foods

2. Getting physical activity at least 3-5 days per week

3. Avoiding processed foods, excessive sugar (check the labels for 10g of sugar or less) and reducing alcohol consumpton (yes wine counts)

4. Getting enough sleep

Happy Training!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Fitness Competition Journal: Since I'm feeling empowered: Actual Progress Pics 12 weeks out

Do you know that I have never worn a bathing suit in public as an adult woman?  I just bought my first bikini this year and that was because I wanted to use them for my progress photos.

So of course the first time I decide to wear a bikini in public it has to be very tiny, in front of strangers, under bright lights, and in 4.5 inch heels.

That's the way I operate though:  I always have to do the most or just forget it!

This week I took a very big step.  I posted pictures of myself in my sports bra and workout pants 12 weeks out from my competition date.  Initially I was very nervous about sharing the pictures because I thought

"I don't look anything like a figure competitor"

"I still look too fat"

"What will people think?  They will think I look terrible"

Finally I just bit the bullet and did it.  I was really encouraged by the response and I was also pleased that I didn't get one perv comment.

I want to be completely vulnerable about this process with people.  I want to be transparent with people and encourage and inspire someone.  Like most women I struggle with my body image. I've thought if I was only thinner, prettier, had lighter skin, and a flatter stomach then maybe my life would be better.  Maybe I wouldn't be single anymore.  Maybe I would have a more glamorous life.

Now deep down I know all of that is nonsense.  I'm very blessed and my physical appearance has  nothing to do with it.  Besides if the only reason a man likes me is because of what I look like, then he is not here for me anyway.

This process is teaching me to love my body because it's strong, it's powerful, it's resilient.  It does more than I thought it could do.  It's capable of a lot more than I thought it was.  I also am learning to love my body in a different way.  I weigh 10 lbs less than I did a few months ago and most of my circumstances have not changed.  I am still single and my life is still not glamorous.  For the record I don't think anyone's life is as glamorous as it seems.

My point is that the "if I could just lose 10 lbs then things would change theory" has been killed off. It isn't true.  What is true is that if you learn to love who you are wherever you are, then you will attract the right people is what's true.

Posting my Actual Progress pictures

So I am going to post my ACTUAL progress pictures that I send to my coach on this blog.  Why?  Because I feel empowered.  Being vulnerable and letting the entire internet see me in a bikini 12 weeks out is freeing.  It's liberating.

Yes the girl who was called whale in middle school and struggled with weight all through adolesence and her 20's is putting on her bikini and letting it rock!  It's freedom from judgments.  Self Judgment and judgment from other people.

Who cares what people think?  I'm doing this and I'm proud of myself.  I've lived in fear of judgment for too long.  Time for a new story

 I just got a plan update from my coach and she dropped my calories.  It's getting real.  We're getting close.  It may be time to start bringing out the Michael Jackson and Prince albums.  I also need Mr. Excitement to return to motivate me and get my blood flowing.  I promise to behave and not attack.

Here we are:  My actual progress photos 12 weeks out from my competition

12 weeks to go!!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Fitness Competition Journal: Increasing Confidence!! It's not from where you would think though.

I am walking with an extra serving of "Giving it to the People" these days.

Most would assume it comes from dropping nearly 10 pounds and seeing my body change.

But that's not it

Most would assume my extra amount of confidence these days all stems from the physical changes, but that has little to do with it.  My increased confidence comes from a deeper place.  

It comes from:
  • My refusal to give up and go off track
  • Staying in the race and being determined to finish
  • Willing to go ALAT (As Long As it Takes)
  • Pushing Through and Making Sacrifices to hit my goals
  • Pushing myself harder during my workouts
  • Doing what I think I cannot do

Refusing to Give Up and go off track

This past week was a little more challenging for me because I had a couple of moments where I was really tired from working and training. I thought, "Why am I doing this again?  I don't even know if all of this is even worth it."  

I shut that one down right away.  I'm doing this because I've always wanted to do it and also to prove to myself that I can take a risk and do something really scary.  Is it worth it?  Yes!  This six months of training and preparation is totally worth a lifetime of knowing "YES I DID THAT"

I am a big believer in having experiences to draw from to teach others and this is providing a whole heck of a lot.  

Going off track

I have been tempted to go off track with my eating several times.  I have had fleeting moments of "Oh who cares!  Just go ahead and eat whatever you want!"  

I stopped that one as well.  Other than an incident with a Quest Bar that I already confessed to my coach, (She said that was okay to do once in a while), I have not gone off track.

This instills confidence because as I begin to resist temptation, I have grown stronger.  I have told myself that all these things that I really want to eat will be there after the competition.  You know what's funny?  When I do get my free meal sometimes it takes me a while to figure out to eat because nothing sounds that great.

Staying in the Race ALAT

I originally wanted to do a competition in July, but I will not be ready by that time.  My new goal is August 2.  That will be about 24 weeks or 6 months of competition training.  That's a long time.  Many people only go about 12-18 weeks, but I'm willing to go for as long as it takes to hit my goal.  

Competing is one of my  Big 5 goals for 2014  and I'm determined to cross the finish line.

Training and Working on my business is a great use of time during this season.  It is helping me build my character, helping me to add more depth to my life, and helping me to stop focusing on what I don't have.

Pushing Through!

Some days I am tired and hungry.  Some days I am sore and my legs are burning through the first few  minutes of cardio.  Sometimes I don't feel like working out or pushing myself through my workouts.

I tell myself  "Push Through!  Do your best!  You can and you will!  Keep going and stay in the race!"

I can't rely on how I feel. I have to just get it done.


Competing also requires sacrifice.  I have to have my meals always prepared.  I can't just slack off and just eat whatever because I failed to prepare.  Sometimes I am so sleepy that I couldn't go out if I wanted to.  Sleep sounds better than socializing.  People ask me what I have planned for the weekend and I say: "Cooking, Work, Gym, Rest, and Chores" in that order.  It's really helping to develop discipline and focus.

No worries though!  I already have my vacations and time off planned for August and September which may include a trip to the restaurant Sweetie Pie's that's on OWN.

Stronger and Faster!  Doing what I think I cannot do!

Sure this competition is about aesthetics, but I am also gaining confidence in how much stronger I'm getting.  I've set personal records in some of my lifts such as my deadlift and my rack pulls.  When I first started my grip would prevent me from going heavier, but even that's improved!

One of the older gentlemen at my gym came up to me after a set and said, "Are you married?  Well I'm going to pray for God to bless you with a strong husband!"

I told him, " Well thank you sir!  I need all the help I can get on that front!!!!"

Yesterday when I was doing my interval training on the treadmill one of my favorite old time gospel songs came on.  I began to get very emotional thinking that I would have never thought that I would be training for a fitness competition.  Yes the girl who struggled with her weight and confidence all throughout her adolesence is about go up and rock the stage in a teeny tiny bikini and clear heels!

I am doing what I think I cannot do and THAT is a huge confidence booster.

If I focused merely on the PHYSICAL changes, then I would be discouraged because even though there is substantial progress I am not where I need to be.  Also merely relying on my physical appearance as a barometer source of how confident I should be is always going to be a losing battle.

I appreciate it sure enough and I am proud of my hard work, but I'm not drawing the majority of my confidence from my physical appearance.  

I'm not even going to lie to you I do have about 6-8 weeks before I bust out the boom boom shorts...Hey I figure I need to start practicing walking around with no clothes on!  

You know I'm bad!  You know it!  

I have resisted the temptation adding too much Michael Jackson to my workout playlist because I figured I will probably need him, Prince, and my trying to make it gospel songs when we get really close to the show and I really need the boost.

I couldn't help but put Bad on my playlist though and really I'm feeling every lyric of the song.

But They Say The Sky's
The Limit
And To Me That's Really True
And My Friends You Have
Seen Nothin'
Just Wait 'Til I Get Through . . .

Because I'm Bad, I'm Bad-
Come On
You Know I'm Bad, I'm Bad-
You Know It
You Know I'm Bad, I'm Bad-
You Know It, You Know
And The Whole World Has To
Answer Right Now
Just To Tell You Once Again,
Who's Bad . . .


Let's go!!!!!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Get Fit to Run Part 2: Injury and the Recreational Runner

Part 2: Injury and the Recreational Runner

It has been said that 70-80% of runners get injured.  When we wthink about running injuries, how many of those injuries are cardiovascular in nature?  Very few.  Most of the injuries we hear about are are to the joints and muscles.

Why does this happen?

Let's go back to Sue Ellen's training session to talk about why so many runners get injured and the importance of getting strong enough to run.

Sue Ellen:  Wow!  I just thought I would sign up for a race and that would be a quick way to drop some pounds, but you're telling me there is more involved with it.

Trainer: So much more involved!  I will share with you exactly why sedentary people should not just jump up and decide to sign up for a race without preparing first.

Causes of Injury

Lack of Range of Motion

First I want you to imagine I have a rubber band here and then I put the rubber band in the freezer.   I take the rubber band out and what happens?

Sue Ellen:  Well I guess it's frozen

Trainer:  Right!  It's frozen, stiff, and not much flexibility.  Now Imagine I start pulling it all different ways.  What will happen?

Sue Ellen:  It will be hard to move

Trainer:  Not a lot of range of motion right?  Well that's a great visual of what happens to our muscles when we try to move our bodies in all plains of motion after they have been frozen in place for so long due to our sedentary lifestyles.

Sue Ellen:  Oh I see, but wouldn't running be good to get moving.

Weakened Stabilizing Musculature (Abdominal muscles in particular)

Trainer:  Don't get me wrong, I want to see you out moving but let's make sure we're smart about it.  If you're sitting at a desk all day several things happen:  First your hip flexors become short and tight from them being in flexion all day from sitting.  Running with extremely tight hip flexors is a great way to have lower back problems!

Sue Ellen:  Yes my lower back does give me problems sometimes

Trainer: I'm not surprised.  People who sit all day have weakened abdominal muscles and remember those abdominal muscles support your spine.  Now remember I'm not talking about superficial abdominal muscles or the six pack people talk about.  I'm talking about the deep abdominal muscles...the transverse abdominis muscles that help to stabilize your back.  Think Spanx for your spinal column.

The first thing we need to do is increase your hip mobility and begin to strengthen your deep set abdominal muscles.  No crunches but lots of planks!  Trust me during a race you will need all of the back support you can get!!!

Sue Ellen:  What should I do?  Should I stretch before I run or what?

Trainer:  I'm glad you asked!  I recommend dynamic flexibility workouts for your hip mobility.  Dynamic Flexibility is stretching while moving.  I find it is crucial for improving range of motion which is what you need as someone who sits all day.

For your deep set abdominal muscles, we will start with the plank.  You will start by holding it for 6 sets of 10 seconds.  We can modify if necessary.

Sue Ellen:  So the first thing I should do is this dynamic flexibility.  

Trainer:  Yes and I will cover it more later on down the line.  

I just wanted to give you an idea of how to begin to prepare your body to run.  I wanted to talk more about why people get hurt when they sign up to do these races.

Lack of Preparation/Pre-work

The general rule of thumb is that it takes 6 months to prepare for a 26.2 mile race and 3 months for a 13.1 mile race, but I believe that if you are a sedentary person who hasn't run before, you need to do pre-work before even signing up to train for the race.  My general recommendation is at least 12 weeks of pre work before even signing up to train for a race.

Too many people join these running groups and their bodies aren't prepared to be put through  that type of stress and work load.  One must train in a progressive manner.  A great way to get injured is to go from 0 to 60 mph.  NFL athletes train all offseason to get stronger, faster, and to prevent injury during the brutal NFL season.  They don't just sit around all offseason and then get up for the season.  They do their pre work even before the season begins.

Too much stress on the joints/Poor Form and Technique

Generally when people want to take up running to get back into shape, they are carrying a few extra pounds.  All of that extra weight is a lot of impact to the joints.

I recommend that clients go and have their gait analyzed so that they can get the proper footwear for their running style and also so they can get pointers on their form and technique.  Poor form and technique is a big cause of running injury.  Remember it starts from the ground up so poor running technique can definitely contribute to injury.

Sue Ellen:  Wow!  That's a lot to digest!!!


Trainer:  You're right and so let's review what we've talked about as far as injury is concerned.
  • Being sedentary and just getting up and starting to run is like putting a rubber band in the freezer and then trying to pull it in all different directions.  There's not much range of motion
  • Sitting all day produces weakened abdominal muscles and tight hip flexors.  We need to work on hip mobility using dynamic flexibility exercises and also perform planks to strengthen abdominals.
  • People need to do pre work before they even sign up to do a race.  My general recommendation is 12 weeks of pre-work before training for a race.  It will depend of course on your conditioning level.
  • It would be better to lose extra pounds before starting to run to minimize the impact on the joints
  • Running starts from the ground up and so to minimize injury it's recommended that you go to a footwear store to have the gait analyzed and that you can be fitted for the proper running shoes.

Sue Ellen:  Wow!!! Thank you so much!! Can you tell me more about the dynamic flexibility workout you mentioned?

Trainer:  Yes of course, but first we need to address your tissue quality.  The stuff that surrounds your muscles.

To be continued in Part 3 of Getting Fit to Run!  Soft Tissue work!  Get your foam roll ready!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Fitness Competition Journal: Staying in the race!!

I will not be competing in July as I previously planned.  Instead my coach has moved me to an August 5 show.  This will give me the time to bring my best package to the stage.  I think a good coach will be honest with you and let you know if you're ready or not.  A bad coach will just let you get up there because they don't really care.

I'm thankful to be working with Roxie because as a business professional she understands the importance of having a good product.  In the realm of competition coaching, having your clients bring their A game will not only make us feel good as competitors but prove that she is truly in it for her client's well being.  True enough I could crash diet, kill myself with cardio, and compete in 12 weeks and feel terrible during the process.  I would also probably look terrible and like a string bean. No thank you!

I'm excited to compete in August since that is my birthday month and that means I can get the party started early!  I also think there's no better way to celebrate turning another year better by accomplishing a big goal.

In too deep to give up now...

A couple times this week I've wondered if I should continue on with this.  I could give up and eat what I want and not be so structured.  I've wondered if I'm in over my head and if this is all an exercise in futility.

I just keep telling myself that I cannot give up now.  I've come too far, I've invested too much time and money into this process, and I really want to do it.  

The only reason I want to give up is because that would be the easier thing to do.  I have started practicing walking and posing in my heels.  All I can do is my best effort and that's what I'm doing.

I'm really enjoying myself and this process

True enough I really want a Quest Bar and I do miss my creative recipes, but I am really enjoying myself during this process.  I am enjoying seeing my body change and the definition of my muscles coming out in my upper body.  

I am also enjoying my progress in my workouts.  I have gotten stronger and I have done some new exercises.  I also am enjoying the high volume workouts.  It's challenging my body and mind.

I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment and challenging myself to take it to the next level.  Seeing the fruits of my labor come through is a great motivator.

I have said it before and I will say it again:  After I get onstage butt naked in heels, my confidence will be through the roof.   This is a tremendous growing opportunity because I did something very scary and I stuck with it!

For the past few weeks I've complained about the lack of excitement in the gym to keep me motivated and to get my blood flowing.  I am glad that someone was listening because today there was some excitement.  This was great motivation to keep on going!!  

And no.....I didn't ambush anybody, but homey better watch out when I break out the boom boom shorts 4 weeks out...Poor guy he's the Jay Z in my head during my gym concerts.

I'm staying in the race

You don't win if you drop out of the race.

I am not delusional.  This is my first competition and my main goal is to finish the race and follow through with it.

I know I will be a winner if I just get up there and bring my best that day.  I am not giving up and I am STAYING IN THE RACE!!!!

Note...Next Cycle I am going to start sharing my progress picture *gulps*  I'm nervous, but I figure it's the first step in learning how to be vulnerable.  I'm going to be prancing around in a tiny bikini and heels soon so I better get used to putting it all out there.