Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Let's talk about Body Image: Stop the Body Fascism

I knew of a woman who had been happily married for a few years and had put on weight during the marriage.  She was at a family function at the food table when a female relative told her that she really should go on a diet because she was getting too fat and  her husband might leave her.

How about this scenario?  Maybe you've put on some weight due to life stresses or whatever and before asking how you are doing one of your female friends says to you "OH MY GOD!  What happened!! You've gained so much weight".  She says it with the dead seriousness as if you have been diagnosed with an incurable disease.  Sometimes this  scenario happens and you don't even know the person.

A single woman speaks of her desire to have a partner and a well meaning friend says "Well then you should really try to lose weight because it's really going to be hard to find anyone if you're so heavy."

Or it could be like what happened to me a few weeks ago:  Boy or girl?  Then I get suggestions about why I should go gluten free to lose weight.

Body Fascist Definition

According to the Dictionary, the term Body Fascist is a pejorative and is  intolerance of those whose bodies do not conform to a particular view of what is desirable.   
Below is a typical Body Fascist approved ad.

Yesterday I talked about how strong women aren't celebrated and/or picked on because they don't fill the ideal beauty standards  so women have developed a fear of building strength because then 
hey think they will turn into He-Man and become undesirable.  In case you didn't read my last blog post, or I just need to reiterate the point:

Women do not have the hormonal capability to turn into He-Man.  Women produce as much testosterone as a ten year old boy.  How many 10 year old boys do you know that look like He-Man?  Furthermore the women that do have overdeveloped muscularity diet, train, and have "help" to look that way.  It also doesn't happen overnight.  Training for an overdeveloped level of muscularity takes YEARS.  Just wanted to say it again in case people still had some questions about whether or not they should be building strength.

The Body Fascists have decided that thin is the only thing that is beautiful and those that do not fit that mold should spend all their time and money trying to get that way or just give up entirely.

This is Ashley Graham and she was the first plus sized model to be in Sports Illustrated.  She's absolutely beautiful.  The Body Fascists would say that she is too fat to be in a bikini and should go on a diet.

What do you think?.

Who are the Body Fascists for women?

I've read quite a bit of feminist literature in my day and as a woman I have my own experiences to draw from.  I believe that the majority of the problem with body image comes not from men but from other women.

From the The examples I gave above to what I've experienced and done in my own life, I would say women are the main body fascists for other women.  We comment, snark, or snicker when someone gains weight.  Think about all the mean tabloid articles calling female celebrities cows and whales when they gain weight. We are happy, celebrate, and act like someone has cured cancer if they lose weight.  We're the ones putting all the focus and emphasis on our worth when it comes to our weight.

Am I letting pop culture off the hook for placing all the desirable women as size 2 or smaller onscreen and in magazines?  No.  I would ask where a lot of that comes from?  If a company is trying to get you to buy something, then they want to sell you a fantasy.  If you buy this, then you'll look like this.  People don't want to look like themselves.

if You Lose Weight, then you will be happy

True or False?

The media has brainwashed us to believe the twisted idea that if they just lose weight, then they will be happy. their  lives will change forever, and everything that is wrong will suddenly be made right. I will save you the trouble: It's a lie. 

Losing weight won't make you happy if YOU aren't already  happy.  You will still have the mortgage, rent, traffic, etc.  All  your problems won't be solved if you lose ten pounds. reached one of my lowest weights last year and still same crap different toilet.

We need to have a different conversation

One of the reasons I am writing about Body Image this week  is because i think this is the root of our weight issues.  I think his issue is bigger than nutrition and exercise because I believe this is what leads to all of the emotional eating which drives the unhealthy relationship women have with food. 

We don't talk about the secret binge eating at night or the dinner get togethers with other women where we complain about our bodies and give each other permission to order forbidden desserts off of the menu

Working in the Fitness Industry, I believe their paradigm is all wrong. for fat loss and general fitness  I don't believe the focus needs to be on calorie counting, macro counting, supplements or  any of that.  I believe the focus needs to be on body image, relationships with food, and self acceptance.It is TIME to say something different.

Quit Policing other women about their body/waistlines

My last thought for this post:  Stop with the body policing.  Stop 
telling women that they have such a pretty face and would look so 
much better if they lost weight.  Quit telling women that they 
better lose weight before their husband has an affair with someone 
thinner, quit volunteering your latest diet  and magic bean that is 
going to MELT THE POUNDS AWAY.  Just stop.

Focus on LIVING BETTER.  Focus on Eating Fresh Nutritious Foods,  Focus on Exercising to Get Stronger to live your life better, and focus on healthy habits so that you can radiate life which is what is attractive.  As one of my favorite women's empowerment authors says "HEALTH is attractive.  HEALTH is seductive.  Not dieting and being miserable because you don't look perfect".

This is a subject that is near and dear to my heart so I plan to speak out on it a lot more because as I said I believe this is the ROOT of our frustration.

Please let me know what you think because I am interested in hearing feedback.

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